Working with me you will find out - I am full off surprises! The good ones haha! And I like to come up with ways to make your learning process more fun and rewarding!
So, because you are brave to take on my ONE DIRECTION 3-HOUR INTENSIVE - you are the first to be challenged by me to a light saber fight!
This is how it works:
Complete your 3-HOUR intensive, send me your filled out worksheets AND...
Make a short 2-3 min video telling me how much fun you had with your One Direction Training!
Here are the questions you may answer:
- What is your name and how old are you?
- How did you like your 3-HOUR workshop?
- How long did it take you to complete all three sections?
- What was your favourite part: solfege, rhythm or violin training?
- Would you like to do more tutorials like these?
- Which song would you like me to do next?
- How much fun did you have? On the scale 0 none to 10 - TONS OF FUN!
The first three winners, who completed their homework correctly and sent me their video testimonials will be featured on Online Music Coach blog, website, sales pages, and I will personally welcome you into our private Facebook Classroom so everyone knows you are a WINNER! Our teachers, other students and parents will be congratulating you on your first challenge!
If you are under 13 - you must have your parent present in the video. They can help you answer questions or just be there for moral support! This is also a way for parents to tell me that they approve of me sharing your video testimonial with the Online Music Coach Community!
Your video will be posted to Online Music Coach channels only with their permission!
I have worked with students like you for over a decade inside my private studio and before technology took over - so I completely understand the need for privacy these days...
If you do not wish to be a part of this challenge - just write back to me saying:
"Hi Vira, I prefer not to be featured, but I look forward to more training, challengesthat do not ask me to testify..."
And I will say:
"Hi _____, sure - no problem! I completely understand! Would love to have you inside my other workshops and classes!"
And if you have feedback for me privately - I would love to receive it from you in writing or otherwise! Just email [email protected] and I will get back to you asap!
I ask questions so you and I can build a better learning system for us and for other students in the program! Your answers will help me do that!
I can't wait for you to complete the challenge and write to me! This is so exciting!
Off you go, Young Jedi!
And may the Orff be with you!
With joy, Vira
Your Online Music Coach
P.s. Orff - a music learning method used to teach beginners - check out a Wikipedia entry!